Golden Gate Bridge


Stock #:317008
Type: Postcard
Era: Real Photo
City: San Francisco
State: California (CA)
County: San Francisco
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Total length: 7 miles, including two approach roads. Bridge itself: 1-1/5 miles, 6450 feet. Width: 90 feet, center to center of cables. Total cost: estimated $35,000,000. Longest single span: 4200 feet. Height of towers: 745 feet above water. Deepest pier: 100 feet below water. Largest pier: San Francisco pier at 90x185 feet, total height from base, 144 feet. Number of piers: two. Vehicle facilities: automobiles and trucks. Steel used: over 100,000 tons. Cable wire length: 80,000 miles. Cable wire weight: 22,000 tons. Size of cables: 36 1/2 inches in diameter. 7660 feet long between anchorages. Number of wires: 27,572 strands, 2/10 inch diameter. Concrete; 693,000 cubic yards. Cable supporting capacity: 430,000,000 pounds. Pull at anchorage: 63,000,000 pounds. Counteracting resistance capacity of the anchorage blocks: 126,000,000 pounds. Excavation: 511,000 cubic yards. Man hours: 25,000,000. Annual auto and truck capacity: 103,295,000. Travel lanes: six lanes and two sidewalks. Work started: January 5, 1933. Completion date: May 1937

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