"White House of the Confederacy," (12th & Clay Sts.)


Stock #:322483
Type: Postcard
Era: Divided Back
City: Richmond
State: Virginia (VA)
County: Richmond (city)
Publisher: Southern Bargain House
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Formerly a private residence, it was purchased in 1862 by the City of Richmond for the use of the Confederate government, and occupied during the war by President Davis and his family. Here his daughter "Winnie" was born, and here his little son Joe was killed by a fall from the rear porch. It was visited by Abraham Lincoln a few days after the evacuation. It is now a Confederate Museum, each of the 13 Confederate states having in it a memorial room. In front of the mansion is the propeller shaft of the "Merrimac", whose famous engagement with the "Monitor" revolutionized naval war-fare the world over

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