COURT HOUSE - Sonora, California
Tuolumne County was one of the original
twenty-seven counties and Sonora has always
been the county seat. There are two groups of
Sequoia gigantea Groves in the county. This is
an area rich in Indian picture-writings. It was
Gabriel Moraga who passed through here in
1806 and named the Tuolumne and Stanislaus
rivers. Sonora Pass has been used since 1853
when the first party of emigrants crossed the
mountains lead by Duckwall and Wash. Indians
used the pass before the advent of the white
man. in 1848 the town was called Sonorian
Camp, settled by Mexicans from the state of
Sonora . . M.P.
Photo Color by Merle Porter
& published by Royal Pictures-Colton, California