Strickland's Motor Lodge and Restaurant

Original Vintage Card
Sale Price: $4.95
Original Price: $11.95

Stock #:323960
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
City: Baltimore
State: Maryland (MD)
County: Baltimore (city)
Publisher: Chas. D. Holland
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
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10 miles south of Baltimore, on US 1, 2 1/2 miles west of Freeway; Northbound take Exit 175; Southbound take Exit 176; in spacious shaded grove; tile baths; TV; air conditioning; room phones; swimming pool; restaurant; serving good food and cocktails; banquet facilities to suit your needs; sorry - no pets; no reservations held after 5 pm unless prepaid; open all year; the Lloyd C. Stricklands, Owners-Managers; call WAterloo 1900; post office: Box 269, Rt. 4

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