Tallahatchie River


Stock #:326900
Type: Postcard
Era: Divided Back
City: Philipp
State: Mississippi (MS)
County: Tallahatchie
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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"May, the month of flowers which bloom in profusion on the banks of the beautiful Tallahatchie river, but of far more practical value to man are the forests extending for miles on either side of the stream. Red and White Oak and the Red Gum here attain their greatest size and these giants of the forest are seen in all their grandeur reaching Heavenward as if to pluck the star gems from the blue above, and it is from this class of timber we manufacture the High Class lumber we send you; each year sees a diminishing supply, so send in your order now to the TALLAHATCHIE LUMBER Co. Philipp, Miss. Stock direct from Manufacturer to Consumer

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