Philip Ginder Monument, Ludlow Park


Stock #:33335
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
City: Summit Hill
State: Pennsylvania (PA)
County: Carbon
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Philip Ginder discovered coal near here in 1791. Erected 1941. Anthracite coal, first discovered near Summit Hill, by philip Ginder, a veteran hunter, who uncovered the first coal seam in 1791. The Switchback Railroad graded in 1818-19 began transportation of coal from Summit Hill to much Chunk in 1827. Two planes, Mt. Pisgah and Mt. Jefferson, were built in 1844 to hoist coal cars by steam to the top of these planes, from where the remaining distance of nine miles was by force of gravity. In about 1870 the Switchback Railroad was given over to pleasure purposes, as coal was then transported from Summit Hill, over steam railroads via Lansford, Nesquehoning and Mauch Chunk. While anthracite coal was first discovered near Summit Hill. Wilkes-Barre claims the honor of having been the first to burn the new found fuel.

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