Miss Thomasine Ruth Hill, Miss (Indian) America XV


Stock #:342179
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
City: Sheridan
State: Wyoming (WY)
County: Sheridan
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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National Miss (Indian) American Pageant. Miss Hill, a Crow-Pawnee Indian maiden, sits on a buffalo hide, trophy of her father's hunting skill, beside her a mountain lion skin, part of the traditional wardrobe of a Crow Indian girl. Her deerskin ceremonial dress was made by her mother, sister and herself; purse by Agnes Deernose; belt and moccasin by a cousin. Her hair is wrapped in a mink skin. The feather in her hair is her right as a granddaughter of two chiefs; Chief Big Bear of the Skidee clan of the Pawnee tribe, and Chief Sees-With-His-Ears, of the Blacklodge of the Crow tribe. Her elktooth necklace symboilizes the Crow tribe. The traditional warbonnet of eagle feathers, is part ofthe dress earned by warrior chiftans of the Plains Indians. Thomasine's clan uncle, White-man-Runs-Him, gave her the Indian name which translates to "She walks to her Lodge," meaning, "Everything I do, I do for the good of my people."

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