Indian Medicine Dance.
Greetings from Shawano, Wis.
Interior view of Medicine Lodge, built of
reeds and bark over a frame-work of poles.
Indians inside are preparing for the Great
Medicine Dance. Beaded moccasins, garters,
belts, medicine bags and fine furs are worn
decorations in this dance, which lasts for
several days. Young Indian holding medicine
bag is to be initiated to the lodge; his squaw
and papoose in rear. The furs hanging from the
walls of the lodge near heads of sitting Indians
are the finest otter skins obtainable. They are
worn attached to a belt and dangle behind the
dancer as he performs the dance. The value of
the costume of a well dressed dancer is often
$150.00 to $200.00.
The Inchans have there
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Just outsida & Shanamd
Pub. by Williams Drug Store, Shawano, Wis.