Portola's First View of San Francisco Bay, California


Stock #:362157
Type: Postcard
Era: Divided Back
City: San Francisco
State: California (CA)
County: San Francisco
Publisher: Pacific Novelty Company
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Capt. Gaspar de Portola became governor of the California (lower and upper) in 1768. Spain, having decided to check the southward encroachment of the Russians from the north, sent a force to fortify and hold Monterey. On July 14th 1769 Governor Portola and a small force left San Diego on foot for Monterey Bay but on account of the maps the bay was passed unrecognized. While encamped near Mussel Point, Serft. Jose Francisco Ortega, with a few men, was dispatched by Portola to continue the search, and while en route was the first white man to explore the peninsula on which is built the great city of San Francisco.At the same time a few of Portola's men while hunting in the hills northeast ... on Nov. 2nd 1769, beheld a "great inland sea". This, as far as records show, was the first time that white man gazed upon the great Bay of San Francisco within the Golden Gate

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