The Cork Tree


Stock #:36316
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
City: Baltimore
State: Maryland (MD)
County: Baltimore (city)
Publisher: Calvert News Co.
Postmark: 1947
Postmark City: Baltimore
Postmark State: MD
Stamp: 1C
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Plaque identifies the cork oak tree planted and dedicated by the Hon. Herbert R. O'Conor, Governor of Maryland, at Arbor day exercises on the State House Grounds in Annapolis. The Governor planting the cork tree. Gov. O'Conor addressing the assemblage and radio audience. Baltimore. Md., where many of the state's government offices are located. Cork is the bark of the Cork Oak. It is an essential peacetime commodity and a critical war material. It is a native of the Mediterranean area. Cork oaks can be grown in Maryland. Acorns and seedlings are free to land owners through the McManus nationwide cork growing program. Many thousand care now being planted. Write your State Forester.

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