Complexion Clay
-Smoothes wrinkles
-tinges cheeks with
natural color
-banishes blackheads
-tones up sagging
Your Hidden Beauty
A wonderful new discovery brings a clear, smooth beauty to your
complexion almost instantly. Domino House Complexion Clay
helps to quickly remove all blemishes and banish every blackhead
and pimple. The impurities that clog and stifle the pores of the
skin vanish like magic in this marvelous new Complexion Clay!
A remarkable preparation that brings the
beauty and bloom of a lovely complexion.
-gives complexion
velvety softness
Beneath all the impurities and
blemishes of the skin there is a beauti-
ful complexion. Beneath wrinkles and
sagging muscles there is the charm of
youth! The wonderful new Complexion
Clay will prove it.
Send No Money
If you send us this coupon at once-without any money-we will
send you a full-size $3.50 jar for only $1.95. But mail it NOW
before you forget-and before the reduced-price offer is withdrawn.
Domino House,
269 So. 9th Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
You may send me a $3.50 jar of Domino Complexion Clay.
I will pay the postman only $1.95 (plus postage) in full payment.
Although I am benefiting by this reduced price, I retain the
privilege of returning the jar within five days and you agree to re-
fund my money if I am not delighted with results.
(If you wish you may send $2 cash with coupon and save postage)
Whenever you want
to look youthful and
fresh and charming,
give yourself a
Domino House
Complexion Clay
treatment. Simply
apply the soft,
pliant clay to every
DOMINO part of the face-
and the neck, too, if
you like. Then sit
back and relax.
Only 15 Minutes As the Complexion Clay, with
its gentle suction, draws out
every last blackhead and impurity lodged in the
skin-pores, you will feel a curicus tingling sensa-
tion. Every one of the millions of tiny pores in your
skin will breathe. Allow the Complexion Clay
to remain fifteen minutes-then apply a cloth,
merely dipped in warm water, to the face. The
clay will soften and easily roll off. And off with
it will come the blackheads and blemishes, all the
impurities that were covering up the beauty of
your complexion.
Read Special Offer on Other Side
269 S. Ninth Street
Philadelphia, Pa,