The Pepper Pot of Greenwich Village


Stock #:372060
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
City: New York
State: New York (NY)
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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146 W. 4th Street. Telephone Spring 7-8299. One of the distinctive features of the Original Pepper Pot is the candle lighting. Many of the candles were over five years in the making and artists and sculpters, guests of the Pepper Pot, have carved them into beautiful and unique works of art, as pictured on the reverse side. All of the Pepper Pot food is home made - the cakes, pies, and puddings. The chicken and eggs come from "Air Castle Acres" Viola Sherlock's 300 acre Orange County farm. The special blend of coffee is percolated and then filtered through Japanese rice paper; the Chili Con Carne is done in real Mexican style; the Virginia Ham and other Southern dishes specially prepared by our old southern chef, and so on throughout the list. The Pepper Pot is the official and only stop in Greenwich Village of the Gray Line Commodore Line, and others

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