An ideal subdivision for a forty-acre tract in Indian River Farms


Stock #:376351
Type: Postcard
Era: White Border
City: Vero Beach
State: Florida (FL)
County: Indian River
Publisher: C.T. American Art
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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This sub-division of a forty-acre farm and home arrangement comprising attractiveness and horticultural beautification with a variety of crops for profit. Dividing the tract thru the center with a roadway from either side of which are fields: five acres for pasture, five acres for hog and forage crops, five acres for corn, sugar cane or grain, five acres for potatoes, five acres for winter truck crops such as tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, beans, strawberries, etc; the balance for citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, avocado pears, mangoes, pineapples, etc. together with farm buildings, barns and corrals, chicken houses and runs and not forgetting the home garden for table delicacies and flowers. A proportionately larger acreage could be divided into larger fields. Indian River Farms Company; developing Indian River Farms & the town of Vero, Fla. Northern Office, Davenport, Iowa; Southern Office, Vero, Florida; information free

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