
The Goodyear Zeppelin Corp's


Stock #:39282
Type: Postcard
Era: White Border
City: Akron
State: Ohio (OH)
County: Summit
Publisher: Akron Stationery Co.
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Airship Factory and Dock, Municipal Airport. The Goodyear-Zeppelin Corp. Air ship factory and Dock is located on the Municipal airport. It is the "most interesting building in the world." The length of the building is 1175 feet; width, 325 feet. The height is 211 feet, equal to a 22 story building. It is the largest structure in the world without interior supports. Ten football games could be played simultaneously under its roof. It would hold the Woolworth Building and Washington Monument. The interior floor area is 364,000 square feet, cubical contents 45,000,000 cubic feet, steel in doors 1,800 tons, structural steel in shell and shops 5,350 tons. "The city of opportunity".

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