JULY 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration de States of America,
here in the lowense of human everate it becomes morcefoney for cons propele de deſpotove the ſpotlineal bands which have connected the
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& imped them to the poparation.
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is, that among
That to save these rights Goveraments,
ends. It is the Right of the
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Sf. Liberty and the permite of . Happiness.
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tion on wuche principles and organizing to power in such form with bo
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Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congresſ. Alfombial spporting to this depreces Joules of the
y Authority of the good Shephe vittimalionis polomaly precediate and declare. Ficat these United Colories are, and of Right ought the
from all Allegiance to the British brown, and that all political con unation betoon them and the State of Great Britaon, is and night
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John Adams
diep Hopkins
Willian Elling
All that is left of the one horse gig or chaise built at Monti-
cello for Jefferson. He rode in this gig from Monticello
to Philadelphia to write the Declaration of Independence
Copyright 1926-Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation, Inc.
Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson,
designed and built by him, is now a patriotic
shrine maintained by voluntary contributions
from the patriots of America to the Thomas
Jefferson Memorial Foundation. National head-
quarters, 115 Broadway, New York City.