
The Flight of the Frigate Constitution (Old Ironside)


Stock #:398241
Type: Postcard
Publisher: Reichner Brothers
Postmark: 1909 Nov-1
Postmark City: Boston
Postmark State: MA
Stamp: 1c
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Built in Boston 1797. The Frigate under command of Capt. Isaac Hull had just returned from foreign service when the war of 1812-15 was declared. She was pursued by the Shanon Captain Broke, The Guerriere, Captain Dacres, and three more English vessels, when one of the most remarkable naval retreats ever recorded occured. "Neath Hull's command, with a taught bann, And naught beside to back her, Upon a day, as log-books say, A fleet bore down to thwack her. A fleet, you know, is odds or so, Against a single ship, sirs, So 'cross the tide her legs she tried, And gave the rogues the slip, sirs."

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