Calvary Baptist Church
Corner Chenango Street and Moffatt Avenue
Bing bamton, A. D.
Sunday Services 10:30 A. M., 7:30 p. m.
Bible School at noon, C. E. Juniors' at 3:30 Seniors' at 6:30
Meglected Themes:
Sunday, Jan. 6th, "The Law of Blood,
in relation to atonement for Sin."
Sunday, Jan. 13th, "The Baptism from
on High, or the promise and power
of the Holy Spirit."
Sunday, Jan. 20th, "The Second com-
ing of Jesus Christ."
These sermons will be delivered at the
morning services, and at least two persons will
be asked to give a snopsis of them at the
prayer-meeting the following Wednesday
Beginning with Jan, 6th there will be a ques-
tion box located in the rear of the church for the
reception of questions by the people, and all ques-
tions considered proper will be answered the next
Sunday evening as a prelude to the sermon.
Read other side.
(Sunday Sickness)
Very Prevalent
On Sunday morning rise at seven; use plenty
of cold water on the face; eat a plaiii hearty
breakfast. Then mix up and take internally
a dose composing of equal parts of the fol-
lowing ingredients, namely:
Will, Energy, Push,
Determination, Self respect,
Respect for God's Day,
Respect for God's Book,
Respect for God's House,
A desire to be Better.
Stir well; add a little Spirit of Love to in-
sure sweetness. Repeat the dose every three
minutes until church time if relief does not
come sooner. If the day is stormy, an exter-
nal application of umbrellas rubber coats and
overshoes will be beneficial.