Marriage of Pocohantas to John Rolfe


Stock #:416947
Type: Postcard
Era: Divided Back
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Marriage of Pocohontas to John Rolfe took place in Jamestown Church in April 1613. Two years thereafter she, with her husband, went to England, and it was while at the Court of King James she again met Capt. John Smith, who had left Virginia in 1609, and did not return. Upon seeing him she covered her face with her hands and did not speak a word, at length saying, "They did tell me always you were dead and Powhatan did send to find out the truth because your countrymen will lie much. You called Powhatan, Father, being in his land and a stranger, and now, for that reason, I will call you Father." On being told by Smith that as a king's daughter she must preserve her dignity, she indignantly answered, "You showed no fear to come into my father's country and to make him and all his people but me afraid, but you fear here in England for me to call you father. I tell you then I will, and you shall call me child."

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