Out Where The West Begins


Stock #:42036
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
Publisher: E.C. Kropp Co.
Postmark: 1946
Postmark City: Orange
Postmark State: TX
Stamp: 1C
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
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Out where the handclasp's a little stronger, Out where the smile dwells a little longer, That's where the West begins. Out where the sum is a little brighter, Where the snows that fall are a trifle whiter, Where the bonds of home are a wee bit tighter, That's where the West begins. Out where the skies are a trifle bluer, Out where friendship's a little truer, That's where the West begins. Where there's laughter in every streamlet flowing, Where there's more of reaping and less of sowing - That's where the West begins. Out where the world is in the making, Where fewer hearts with despair are aching - That's where the West begins, Where there's more of singing and les of sighing, Where there's more of giving and less of buying. And a man makes friends without half trying that's where the West begins.

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