U. S. Capitol from Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.
Published by B. S. Reynolds Co., Washington, D. C.
Place the Stamphere
on a height overlooking the amphitheatre
of the Potomac, is one of the largest and
and Island Possessions
stateliest buildings in the world. It is YANKS CARD CLUB, Cuba Canada and
751 feet in length and 350 feet in width,
covering three and a half acres. The
statue of Freedom on the dome towers Washington, D. C., U. S. A,
307 feet above the esplanade. The cor-
ner stone was laid by President Wash-
ington in 1793, the central building was
finished in 1797; and the extensions were
first occupied by Congress in 1857 and
to hand, for which please accept my thanks- in the name of all our cousins,
for I'm sure they will welcome you to our circle. Your membership number
is:- 563 Your membership is good this
You can contingen
Always put this number on your mail, also your full name and address, and
write very plainly with ink. This is important, for a member cannot answer
you unless he can read your address. Please renew at least one month be-
fore the end of your membership, as that will save me money in costs of
bookkeeping; and every saving enables me to give you a better YCC. Don't
forget that I give 20c for each $1 you send in for new members. I'll send you
application blanks if you say so. - Sincerely, "Cousin Billy'-Editor of YCC