lept 28/89 Santre
în 1926, Will Shuster, renowned
palnter and beloved Santa Fe
created Zozobra, the 40' puppet symbolizing "Old Man Gloom."
figure is burned, accompanied by a huge fireworks display and PM
traditional fire dance, all of which is to dispel gloom and create an
atmosphere of joy for a true fiesta. Each year the building, and
staging of Zozobra is undertaken by the Santa Fe Downtown Kiwanis 40**
Club who use the proceeds to subsidize needy and deserving college
students who could not otherwise attend college without some or
financial aid.
We reclcned the book & many
thanks.. an tack from oitawe
The trip went well with the help
of book on lopen
Chesapeke Day!
Poetry of Mary
Alaska Day 2
& the The Moon & Sc4 pener deh 3.
the lar behaved o poded the teachel
urth, ohly be sonor Platzien à rebraske
Hal is back commuting 120 mi day
s & I'm keeps the ezbee gorage
Omanda is fine. Creozed ea cing you all
Arriba Specialty Counselors, Santa Fe, NM - 983-1105
Abrudaras .
S Swo
Na 24108
Saddle Ridge Rd
12 hrdays
Zozobra book available through Sunstone Press, Inc., Santa Fe, NM
Photo: Courtesy of Len Bouché