What's Different About Building Number Two?

Original Vintage Card
Sale Price: $9.95
Original Price: $14.95

Stock #:436930
Type: Large Format Postcard
City: Cedar Rapids
State: Iowa (IA)
County: Linn
Size: 3.5" x 8.75" (9 x 23 cm)

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Answer: You can see at a glance that Building No. 2 is neater, cleaner, more utilitarian-looking. And you've probably guessed, too, that both buildings are one and the same. What makes the difference? Look closely and you'll note that the worn-out windows of Building No. 1 have been replaced with handsome panels of Insulux Glass Block in Building No. 2. For window replacement, specify Insulux Glass Block, made by American Structural Products Company, Toledo 1, Ohio. M. Cach Glass Co. 907 Second St., S.E. Phone 3-2651 Cedar Rapids, Iowa

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