Oldest Well In U. S. A. Glorieta Pass


Stock #:44926
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
City: Glorieta
State: New Mexico (NM)
County: Santa Fe
Publisher: Curt Teich & Co.
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Most historic and wonderful old Indian Spanish Well. Under management of Thos. L. Greer. Glorieta Pass, N. Max. Back in the early past. Probably 1,000 years. A great drouth came upon the country and all the water between the Pecos and Rio Grande rivers was dry. The corps were all lost, and a great many of the animals had died for want of water. The Indians had given all their dances and sacrifices to the Gods to no avail, so they gathered all the wise men to council and they decided their sacrifice had not met the pleasure of the Gods and there must be another, greater. After considering their greatest sacrifices, they decided on a beautiful Indian maiden and their wiseest councillor or High Priest, but as they could not decide which, conditions became worse. So one dark night the High Priest who had asked to be chosen instead of the maiden for the sacrifice stole away from the village and went out to pray, While in prayer, the Spirit of Fire struck down and carried the great Chieftain away, and from where his feet last touched earth a fountain of Pure Cold Water came forth. And the Indians claim that the Spirit of the Great Chief still remains to keep thisw well or spring pure, cold and sweet. 250 yeas ago the spanish took this spring or well as it is now, from the Indians. 75 years ago the Americans took it from the Spanish, and rebuilt it in its present form.

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