Greetings From The World's Highest Suspension Bridge, Royal Gorge Park

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $4.95

Stock #:45198
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
City: Cañon City
State: Colorado (CO)
County: Fremont
Size: 3.5" x 5.75" (9 x 15 cm)

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The World's highest suspension bridge across the Royal Gorge. Length of Structure, 1260 ft. Length of main span 880 ft. Width of Therefore, 18 ft. Cost of bridge, $250,000. Weight of cables supporting bridge, 300 Tones. Height of Towers Supporting Cables, 150 ft. Height of Bridge aver river, 1050 ft. Time of construction, Six Months. The World's Highest suspension bridge over the Royal Gorge 1050 feet above the Arkansas River Canon City. Colorado part of wonder scenic highway. Built by Royal Gorge Bridge & Amusement Co. Canon City, Colorado Dedicated December 8, 1929 Toll: Adults, 75c; Children, 40c The Royal Gorge Park System Is the Home of Colorado's Greatest Attractions.

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