Buckbee's Giant Branching Asters


Stock #:45610
Type: Postcard
Era: Divided Back
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
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H. W. Buckbee - Rockford seed farm forest city greenhouses rockford, Ill. Send for free catalogue.Buckbee's new seed and plant guide for 1910 is ready now - It is free for the asking. Please fill out th atached post card in places designated and return to me to-day. Six beautiful post cards - real works of art. Special offer on return of coupon No. 1 as referred to on the opposite side of this folder with an order for 50c or upwards from my 1910 Catalogue - I will send yu absolutely free the set of Six Beautiful Souvenir post Cards, full size (same as sample card of Buckbee's Giant Branching Aster) - each card printed in seven colors from scenes on Buckbee's rockford Seed Farms and they are the richest, most beautiful and exquisite cards ever made, each flower, plant, fruit and vegetable bneing depicted in all its natural colors - real works of art - they are just out of press and the newest thing in the market and will appeal forcibly to every flower lover and all those who till the soil. Be sure and use the coupon (see over) when you send in your order to get the Cards Free. My New Book - How to grow flowers and Seeds. A most complete text book and guide for the care and cultivation of all Flowers, Plants, Bulbs and Seeds. Useful and important tables of information special Notes profusely illustrated. In fact an up-to-date publication for the amateur Gardener and Florist - well with $1.50. My price only 50c. postpaid. How to get this book Free. If you send me an order for $1.50 or upwards from my 1910 catalogue a copy of this valuable book will be mailed you absolutely Free if you will return (Coupon No. 2) as referred to on the opposite side of this folder and send it to me along with your order before June 1st. 1910. I will also include the fult set of six beautiful souvenir Post Cards extra. Don't overlook this splendid offer but send for My Catalogue of Buckbee's "Full of Life" Seeds and Plants to-day and let us have your orders as early as convenient as that we have hive them expectal and personal care and attention.

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