Pier. Jolo. Jolo. P. I.
It in
Sov 10, 1910.
in Germany.
For Correspondenz.
thear Friend
This is one of the viewe, time to come,
In stolo, Frank, the expect Say Frank I understand that
time to come, belive
to be stationed there be your sister tellie re c'd a better
fore very long. Well old from a Fillipino Boy, and
Boy how are you
blames me for giving line,
making it, dem still her adress, Nohr & which you
In good health and so would convince hur, and
is stages. Jannes recd tell her its not me that gave
a letter from your him the adress, some bug
Sister the other day must of played a joke on the
Eight more mouthis and of I knew your sister, why of
me back for the states would be all to gether a different
I am looking for that, stay. Best Regards, Fremaind your
Haye's and's best