Jesup Psychological Laboratory, Peabody College


Stock #:461454
Type: Postcard
Era: White Border
City: Nashville
State: Tennessee (TN)
County: Davidson
Publisher: Foster & Parkes Co.
Postmark: 1939 Aug-02
Postmark City: Nashville
Postmark State: TENN.
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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George Peabody College for Teachers occupies a spacious campus of fifty acres in a beautiful section of Nashville. Present plans call for twenty-one buildings, nine of which have ben completed. Peabody College was established in 1875 and has trained over 20,000 teachers, most of whom are now holding responsible positions in every state in the Union. As its nam eindicates, the College exists to provide advanced educational leadership in the field of teacher training.

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