John Eade's Barn


Stock #:461724
Type: Postcard
Era: White Border
City: Elnora
State: Indiana (IN)
County: Daviess
Publisher: Dodd & Struthers
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
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This barn belonging to John Eade, Elnora, Indiana, and occupied by I.L. Fielden, Elnora, R.F.D. No. 3, was struck by lightening July 9, 1913. One man, six head of horses and one mule were killed. The name of the man who was killed was Earl Thias and he had taken refuge in the shed and was sitting in the wagon seat when the lightening struck. There were eight or nine other men in the building, being members of a threshing crew. When the lightning struck the barn it followed the path of least resistance down the roof, tearing the shingles until it reached a bailing wire which was attached to the rafter and which hung downward to within about three inches of the loft floor and almost directly over the place where the man is seen sitting in the wagon seat. The lightning followed this wire to the end and where it left the wire, broke through the floor, making a hole like that made by a bullet and entered Mr. Thias's body, killing him instantly. It also burned a streak down one man's right side, grounding through the platform of a binder against which he was leaning. The horses and mule which were killed were in the other side of the barn and were dragged out of the barn at the time the photograph was taken. For protection from damage from lightning address Dodd & Struthers, Des Moines, Iowa.

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