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Beautiful Melrose
TERE, only six miles from Boston, is a garden of beauty unsur-
passed anywhere, comprising 3,500 acres, owned by the state
in which our Health Resort is located. This great park is a
miniature of all of New England's far-famed scenic beauty. Here
rugged rocks, dashing streamlets, wooded hills, deep ravines, coves
and secluded lakes, all conspire to make a glorious retreat, where the
tired and sick live close to nature, in harmony with her laws, untram-
meled by the dictates of fashion and society, forgetting business and
home cares, to return a few weeks later, keen, clear-headed, with firm,
elastic step, and with health pervading every movement.
We have just completed new bath rooms and a gymnasium at a
cost of $15,000, and give every form of bath, general and local, hot,
tepid, temperate, or cold, as the case may require, Turkish and Russian
baths, Electric baths, etc.
For further detailed information relating to the institution write for
illustrated catalog addressing New England Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass.