
5th (Princess Charlotte of Wales's) Dragoon Guards


Stock #:477650
Type: Postcard
Country: Wales
Publisher: Gale & Polden Ltd
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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The regiment was raised in 1685. It joined the army in Flanders and took part in the operations during the siege of Namur in 1695, and had a remarkable encounter with the enemy at Enghien. During Marlborough's campaigns it won fame on many fields. It took part in the sieges of Venlee, Ruremonde, Stevenswaort and Liege. It fought at Schellenberg and bienheim, and distinguished itself by forcing the enemy's lines between Helixem and Meer-Winden. Led by Lord Cadogan in person, they rode down the Bavarian Horse Grenadier Guards, drove them through the French infantry in rear, and captured many standards. It was present at Ramilies, Oudenards and Malplaquet, the sieges of Lisle, Tournai, &e., and minor affairs without number. It served in Germany, 1758-62, and in Flanders, 1793-5. It did good service during the Peninsular War during the siege ofBadajos, Lierena, and at Salamanca, Burgos, Vittoria and Toulouse. It fought with distinction during the Crimean War, where it took part in the famous charge of the Heavy Brigadeat Balaklava, and served before Sevastopol. During the South African War it formed a portion of the heroic force which defended Ladysmith and later took a full share in that arduous campaign.

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