Features of the Paper
The Harrisburg Telegraph prints
the news of the world, as received
over Associated Press wires direct
to its news rooms and the news of
Harrisburg and Central Pennsylvania.
It has long been a rule of the Tele-
graph to print "anything that happens
in Central Pennsylvania." Every nook
and corner of this popular sectino is
covered by reporters and correspond-
The Telegraph long ago realized
that the boroughs and vallages of this
section have to a very great extend
the same interests as Harrisburg.
Many of the people living in the
smaller towns are employed in Harris-
burg or have relations, friends or
other ties in Harrisburg just as the
thousands of people living in Harris-
burg are bound to the surrounding
In presenting its news The Tele-
graph has made features which have
caused it to be noted not only in its
territory, but throughout the state and
country. It maintains the only col-
umn devoted to the news of the state
government and it presents national,
state country and local politics fairly.
The tens of thousands of railroad
men have a column and more of news
every day The field of athletics is
not better covered in any central
Pennsylvania news-paper. The news
of the important Dauphin county
courts is a feature. Its markets re-
ports are the guide in many sections,
while scores of letters tell the news
of numerous centers.
Social news is a department to
which The Telegraph has given much
space and a few papers in Pennsyl-
vania have as good a woman page.
It contains daily articles by noted
writers on tropics pertaining to wo-
man and the home. Fashions, cook-
ing, embroidery, etiquette and kindred
articles are treated in a way our
woman readers appreciate, judging
from the many compliments passed
on this page.
One of the most popular features
is the continued story. Last year
The Telegraph printed seven con-
tinued stories. Any one of these in
a book store would cost from $1.00
to $1.50.
Harrisburg's Greatest
Home Paper
And Best
Advertising Medium
Delivered by Carriers at
Six Cents a Week.
By Mail Twenty-five
Cents a Month.
The Harrisburg Telegraph
216 Federal Square