Reading and Recreation Grounds,
La Salle Institute, Glencoe, Mo.
This is an ideal place for the young men of the Novitiate and the Normal School. Here, too, the boys
of the Juniorate spend many hours of real enjoyment. Glencoe, The Eden of Missouri, is a miracle of
beatitude, a sanctuary of blissful repose where Heaven and earth seem to meet in a sweet embrace. Nothing
disturbs the perceful stillness that reigns here, save the rustling of the leaves or the warbling of the feath-
ered songsters in the trees overhead.
On all sides, as the eye rises, there is against the skyline a high barricade of protecting hills, which
fence Glencoe in from the work-day world and keep un broken the sweet, brooding peacefulness of its heavenly
Winter or summer, spring or fall, nowhere in this country of wondrous natural beauties is there a
cozier, more inviting or deiightful nook of nature, Nowhere is the air sweeter or more lively nor the bend-
ing skies brighter; nowhere is there a more wasteful feast and revelry of rugged loveliness and harmonies
of form, color and motion Health glows in the streams, a healing balm is in the air, life is full of
atmosphere and vigor.
With few exceptions, the young men in training lere came from the Cities in the Middle West, that they
are pleased with their present surroundings as compared with their previous environment goes without question.
The glow of health as seen on the cheeks of the youngsters, is convincing proof that Glencoe is blessed with a
brucing, healthful climate and that life at La Salle Institute is worth living,
Even in the icy grip of old Boreas, Glencoe has appeal, for the naked trees stand out like spires against
the background of the clear blue horizon and the winds that roar through them sing with the sweet monotony
of a waterfall. Beyond the low ground the grand masses of the Ozark mountains rise in dark violet depths
of color against the crimson and the gold of heaven. Then, too, the slopes are carpeted with brown leaves,
the moist moss among the volcanic stones is frozen into shapely igiclog, and the ruddy cluster of the coral
berry lifts its head shyly but bravely above the stairiless snow, typifying the beautiful lives lived there by
the saintly Brothers and their noble young aspirants. These people are not of this world but the world is
better because of them. What oare they for the so-called pleasures and attractions of a world grown mad
with pleasure and forgetful of God. These young men enjoy a happiness which worldly people do not under-
stand and that money can never purchase.
If you wish to know more of the life, the work, and the reward of a Christian Brother, communicate
Brother Julius, 4247 Washington Blvd.
Chicago, Ill.