This curiosity of Southern Cayuga is sit
uated at Barber's Corners, one mile west
of Scipioville, and three miles east of Le-
vanna, on a well-kept lawn. It was carved
out of the trunk and lower branches of a
good-sized tree in the summers of 1911 and
1912 by George E. Carr, a soldier of the
Civil War of 1861 and 1865. This Totem
Tree might be called one of the wonders
of the age as the phrase "Nothing like it"
can be applied to its many unique features.
The idea was borrowed from the Totem
Pole of the Alaska Indians, but it is much
more artistic in its execution, the inequali-
ties of the tree and branches being carved
into such figures as suited their shape.
There are forty figures on all sides, con-
sisting of animals, birds, portraits, etc.,
which are painted in various colors, to
make them prominent. This tree is about
eighteen feet high and is viewed by many
strangers who pause to give it more than
passing notice.
P. O. Address. Union Springs, N. Y.