
The Rotisserie, Famous Coast to Coast


Stock #:523720
Type: Postcard
City: Jackson
State: Mississippi (MS)
Publisher: Mwm Color
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Additional Details:
Air Conditioned. Famous Coast to Coast for it's Quality Food. Accommodations for 675. Room for Every Occasion. Listed in "Duncan Hines" and "The Best Places to Eat". Highway 49 North (at 5-points), Jackson, Mississippi.

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  • 2022-10-29 15:14:52 - Ray Shores:
    When my parents celebrated my birthday in the early 1960s, they took my brother, Justin, and me to this famous restaurant. I remember it well. My father, owner of Ray's Pastry Shop in Westland Plaza, before it became a crime zone, baked my cake and put Batman and Robin figures on top. If I had the time and money, I'd re-open a restaurant and name it after this establishment and copy the style of the building and atmosphere. It is a symbol of Jackson Mississippi's past greatness before the Communists took over.

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