4 Writings Cut to 2 with
5 Underwood Bookkeeping Machines handle all brokerage accounting records for
Parkinson & Burr
Machine accounting means increased
speed, efficiency, and
$5,000 a Year Labor Saving
Data given a Gould Reports Investigator by Parkinson & Burr,
Boston, through H. W. Smith, Office Manager:
"Underwood Bookkeeping Machines replaced pen and ink
methods in our brokerage accounting in 1925. We have 5
Underwood Machines-one writing purchase slips and blotter,
one sales slips and blotter, 3 writing customers' statements.
and posting customers' ledger at the same operation. One
of the latter machines is also used half-time on investment
ledger. Six purchase and sales slips are written at once by
front feed; the seventh copy is the blotter and permanent
"The totals in the blotter machines are checked daily.
against totals in statement and ledger machines. Each in-
dividual posting is mechanically proved by the machine. At
the end of the month, statements are mailed even before a
trial balance is taken. Experience shows that errors in bal-
ance are less than one-fourth of 1%.
"Girls operate the Underwood machines, while men were required
for long-hand accounting. This, with the total elimination of over-
time, saves us over $5,000 a year in labor.
"The neatness and accuracy of machine-made statements have a
favorable influence on customers. When customers ask for statements
in the middle of the month, we can now give them an immediate state-
ment; formerly the customer had to wait while the statement was
copied and proved.
"In 2 writings, the Underwood Machines are accomplishing what
formerly required 4 writings. This increases the speed, effi-
ciency, and accuracy of our accounting. The legible machine- REPORTS
made ledgers are also much more easily audited."
We shall be glad to co-operate with you in making your bookkeep-
re accurate, easy and satisfactory by the mechanical method.
Underwood Typewriter Company, Inc.
Underwood Building, New York City
Branches in All Principal Cities
It helps a lot when you tell advertisers you saw it in MANAGEMENT
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