Arms Of Canada

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $4.95

Stock #:52792
Type: Postcard
Country: Canada
Publisher: Valentine & Sons Publishing Co.
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Additional Details:
Arms of Canada "The arms are those of England, Scotland, Ireland and France, with a "difference" to mark them as Canadian, namely, on the lower third of the shield, a sprig of maple on a silver field. The crest is a lion holding in its paw a red maple leaf, a symbol of sacrifice. The supporters are, with some slight distinctions, the lion and the unicorn of the Royal Arms. The lion upholds the union jack, and the uicorn the ancient banner of France. The motto is new - "A mari usgue ad mare" - "From sea to sea," or in a phrase familiar in Canadian politics and Canadian literature," Ocean to Ocean".

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