mmit of Culp's Hill, Gettysburg, Pa.
A. C. B. & Co. 11722,
Summit of Culp's Hill, Gettysburg, Pa.-
is shown one of the steel observa-
tion towers of which the commission in
charge of Gettysburg National Park have
erected five at important parts of the field.
The virile bronze figure on the monument in
the foreground is a memorial to Gen. Greene.
He was in command of a brigade of N.
Y. troops and when, by the withdrawal of
the larger part of the 12th Corps on the
night of the 2d, he was left to guard a
long line of intrenchments, his skillful and
obstinate defense prevented a vastly superior
force from breaking his line, and contributed
largely to the general result of the battle.
The position of Knap's Pennsylvania Bat-
tery is on the right.
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Two Cents.