2304 - 16th Ave. N.W. (on Trans-Canada Hwy. 1, in Motel Village) Calgary, Alberta, Canada; telephone 289-0211,
telex 038-21847.
Conveniently located five minutes to city centre, one block from freeway across city. Close to three major shop-
ping centres, airport, Foothills Hospital, McMahon Stadium, University of Calgary, Jubilee Auditorium, Foothills
Arena and Institute of Technology.
56 air-conditioned, comfortable, attractive units, luxurious Beautyrest mattresses. In every room - bath and
shower, dial phones (complimentary local calls), coffee makers, cable color TV and radio. Heated pool, plug-
ins for all automobile accessories, one-day laundry and cleaning service. Adjacent to restaurant, launderette,
beauty salon, service station, car wash.