M T.
IGH ON A RUGGED granite mountain in the Black
Hills of South Dakota the colossal task of car-
ving the figures of George Washington, Thomas
Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt is
being carried on by Gutzon Borglum, famous sculptor.
The largest sculpture ever attempted by Man, the Mt.
Rushmore National Memorial will endure as long
the solid granite mountain itself. Words can never
describe the majesty and gigantic proportions of the
mighty work, but the following dimensions might give
some idea of its size:
The figures of the four great Americans are all
scaled to a man 465 feet tall. The faces are 60 ft.
from top of head to chin (60 feet is the height of a
five-story building!) Each nose is as large as the
entire head of the Sphinx of Egypt. The eyes measure
nine feet across, and the mouths 18 ft. in width. The
buttons on Washington's coat will be 6 feet across !
The Memorial is 6200 feet (more than a mile) in total
altitude, and towers 500 feet above the studio across
the valley. The work is made possible by special ap-
propriations by Congress.
Rise Studio #800