DB-100 BEL-AIR COURT, 1304 Central Blvd., Brownsville,
Texas. This is one of the Valley's finest; each apart-
ment being a luxurious and completely equipped house-
keeping unit with telephone and air-conditioning, sur-
rounded by large green lawns, native flowers and shade
trees of the beautiful semi-tropical Magic Valley of the
Rio Grande, land of sunshine and sea breezes. Bel-Air
Court is located on U. S. 77 and 83, in the historic city
of Brownsville, Texas, the southernmost city in the conti-
nental United States, and only ten minute drive to ro-
mantic and mysterious Matamoras in Old Mexico. Dr.
L. V. Schmittou, Owner.
Pub. by "Don" Bartels, McAllen, Tex.
Dextone Made Direct from Kodachrome and Ansco Color By Dexter Press, Peurl River, N. Y.