Space Shuttle Orbiter (Challenger) Crew Members ...
Astronauts of the first five-member crew, for the seventh
Space Orbital Flight (STS-7) are left to right first row: Sally K.
Ride (Mission Specialist), Robert L. Crippen (Commander),
Frederick H. Hauck, (Pilot); rear row: John M. Fabian (left)
and Norman E. Thagard, (Mission Specialists). The 6 day
mission performed in "almost flawless fashion" as it accom-
plished 96% of its objectives and there were far fewer
anomalies" than on any previous mission. The slight goof-
up involved some brief, balky behavior by an auxiliary power
unit(s) (APUS). The crew set out two commercial communi-
cation satellites, one Canadian, the other Indonesian. The
Challenger crew members also activated other experiments
of commercial value. June 18, 1983
CL-RR. #124
SC18576-Courtesy of NASA
P.O. Box 314, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
by Coral-Lee
Mike Roberts Color Productions
TM Oakland, CA 94623