Nancy Reagan and Mr. T. at 1984 White House Christmas Festivities


Stock #:550728
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
Publisher: Coral-Lee
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
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Nancy Reagan once again invites a popular hero to preside at the White House Christmas festivities for children. Youngsters ador (sic) Mr. T. and instinctively know he's a nice guy. Mrs. Reagan appreciates his support in fighting drugs, his interest in young people, and his indefatigeable entertaining for her Christmas children.With his usual attire of pounds and pounds of glittering gold, Mr. T. gets in the Christmas spirit by donning red and white Santa suit to pass out goodies and treat children to his uplifting presence. December 12, 1984.

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