Near Port Clinton, Ohio
On Lake Erie
The Park's over 600 Class A Camp Sites are
augmented by over 30 Group Sites. Hiking
Trails and a Nature Program serve to acquaint
the camper with typical Lake
typical Lake Shore sur-
roundings. There is a complete commissary on
the area. The more than 22 mile white sand
beach is the finest and cleanest beach in any
of the Great Lakes. There are a great number
of Camp Sites_located in the wooded areas of
this 400 acre Park. The entrance is from State
Rt. No. 240 approx. 1 mile north of State Rt.
No. 163 Marblehead Peninsula.
Color by Frank D. Kelley
Pub. by Kelley's Studio, 202 N. Potomac St., Hagerstown, Md.