Tomb of Unknown Soldier, Arlington. Va.
Directly in front of the Memorial Amphi-
theatre, overlooking the Capitol of the Nation
he died to save, is the tomb of America's Un-
o known Soldier.
"The name of him whose body lies before us
A took flight with his imperishable soul. We know
not whence he came, but only that his death
marks him with the everlasting glory of an
American dying for his country.
Pub. by Garrison Toy & Novelty Co., Washington,
"We do not know the eminence of his birth
but we do know the glory of his death. He died
for his country, and greater devotion hath no
man than this. He died unquestioning, uncom-
plaining, with faith in his heart and hope
on his lips that his country should triumph and
its civilization survive."-President Harding.