Gravity Ride - Mt. Tamalpais - "Tavern of Tamalpais"


Stock #:564778
Type: Postcard
Era: Divided Back
City: Mill Valley
State: California (CA)
County: Marin
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Every Sunday at 7 P.M. (Dinner at the tavern) Arriving san Francisco 8:35 P.M. A most novel and exhilarating coast of eight miles down the Mountain side. "Taern of Tamalpais" Is a unique and convenient place, with unexcelled accommodations, recently redesigned for the express purpose of entertaining dinner parties, small dances, card parties, and other social entertainments, either for a day and evening, a night, or a day and night, permitting the enjoyment of the most glorious sunset, sunrise and early morning gravity ride down the Mountain. To organizations, societies, or clubs, suitable accommodations for transacting business matters, are to be found in the large meeting hall on the lower floor. Arrangements can be made for parties of ten or more, for special evening car (without extra charge), to and from the Mountain, arriving back in San Francisco the same evening if desired, by telephoning Mill Valley 230 or Mill Valley 83 (Tavern), or at City Ticket Office, No. 687 Market St. opposite Kearny St. Tel. Kearny 2751

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