Hires Household Extract, Castor Oil, Baker's Cocoanut, Oriole Go-Basket, Blue Label Ketchup


Stock #:565014
Type: Postcard
Era: Divided Back
Postmark: 1917 Jan-15
Postmark City: Coatesville
Postmark State: Pa.
Stamp: 1c
Size: 3.25" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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MAKE ROOT BEER AT HOME WITH HIRES HOUSEHOLD EXTRACT made from roots, barks and herbs AND FLEISCHMANN'S YEAST "The Yeast good bakers use" Ricinol-Grape CASTOR OIL in Soft Gelatine Jackets No Bigger than a Grape and just as easy to swallow SAFE AND POSITIVE Baker's PREMIUM SHRED COCOANUT Sent postal for receipt booklet THE FRANKLIN BAKER CO. 729 Delaware Avenue Philadelphia, PA Oriola Go-Basket Reclining Model Long flexible Springs prevent all jolts and jars Write us for catalogue THE WITHROW MFG CO SPRING GROVE AV. CINCINNATI, O Blue Label Ketchup Guaranteed Pure And Unadulterated Sold Only In Bottles Curtice Brothers Co. Rochester N.Y. U.S.A.

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