Rinkenbach's --Eyesight Specialists - Thanksgiving Greetings

Original Vintage Card
Sale Price: $12.95
Original Price: $19.95

Stock #:565157
Type: Postcard
City: Harrisburg
State: Pennsylvania (PA)
County: Dauphin
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
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Have You eye troubles? "Persons with normal vision will be able to read this print at a distance of 15 inches from the eyes with ease and comfort, also will be able to read with each eye separately. If unable to do so your eyes are defective and should have immediate attention." Such as headaches, poor distant vision, type blurring while reading, eyes itching, burning, watering, red or inflamed; don't be a victim of eye-strain. We would urge you at the first signs of eye trouble to consult us. Our examination of the eyes is a through scientific test of each eye separately, and also a test of the muscles that control the movements of the eyes; both being essential to insure correctness in the fitting of glasses. Save the pieces-if broken-we can duplicate any lens no matter how complicated. 1215 N. 3rd. st., Harrisburg

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