"The Wilkie's" Motel on
Beautiful Monterey Bay
2 -
The WILKIE'S MOTEL for the "REST" of your life,
1038 Lighthouse Ave.
Tel. Frontier 2-5960
Pacific Grove, Calif. "The Wilkie's" Motel offers you
the newest, most enjoyable, and ever comfortable luxuri-
ous accommodations that you could desire. Outstanding
features are its twin double beds, famous U. S. Koylon
mattresses, tubs and showers. T.V., off street parking
and putting green. The bay view from its top deck will
impress you as much as its quiet secluded location. It is
next to some of the world's most renowned golf courses,
to the unusual "butterfly" trees, and the exciting 17
Mile Drive.
Mex G. Gosseling, Artistic Color Photographer, Cypress 4.4016, San Jose, Calif.