PAUL J. RISEDORF is an athlete. He also enjoys the distinction
of having won the first race of its kind-a 220 Yard Straightaway
Race-RUN INDOORS. Stop and think a minute what that means
and then imagine, if you can, the kind of building in which such a race
could be run. There are not many in the whole world.
The race was run on the fourth floor of the main building of the Rem-
ington Typewriter factory. This building is 800 feet long. Of course,
there is room in it for a 220 yard straightaway race and room to spare.
The 220 yard straightaway race for the Remington Indoor Cham-
pionship is to be a regular feature of the annual athletic contests for
Remington employees. The prize for the winner is a gold medal
offered by the Vice-President of the company. Mr. Risedorf won it
this year in the splendid time of 24 seconds.