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Building. The building which houses The Curtis Publish-
ing Company in Philadelphia is twelve stories high
and contains more than twenty-two acres of floor space.
It is used exclusively for the publication of The Satur-
day Evening Post, Ladies' Home Journal and Country
Circulation. The Saturday Evening Post (weekly) has a
paid circulation of about 2,900,000. The Ladies' Home
Journal (monthly) has a paid circulation of about 2,700,000.
The Country Gentleman (monthly) has a paid circulation of
about 1,500,000. Each month more than 15,000,000
magazines are printed and bound.
Paper. The paper used each year in printing the three
magazines would, if assembled in a single freight train, fill
several thousands of freight cars.
Ink. The amount of printer's ink required annually by the
three magazines is several million pounds and is equal in
weight to one and a half times an entire edition of The
Saturday Evening Post.
worth of United States postage stamps are used in a year
on the Company's letter mail in addition to about two and
a half millions of dollars paid annually to the Govern-
ment and the railroads for carrying the publications to
their destination.
Correspondence. The Company receives more than
2,300,000 letters annually. One day's mail has contained
69,000 paid-in-advance annual subscriptions. Most of the
Company's correspondence is dictated on business phono-
graphs. More than 50 phonographs are used in the Circu-
lation Department alone. More than 300 typewriters are
in daily use.
Employees. Several thousand people are employed in the
Manufacturing, Editorial, Circulation and Business Depart-
ments of the Building.